Doggy NewsTeam H&H News

Freeeeezin in February

Wowzers how on earth is it February already? Christmas seems so long ago and goodness its so very cold. I hope you are all manaing to keep warm and dry from the elements? Still at least the days appear to be getting slightly longer now, which means soon we can go back to our outside training. I LOVE training outside. I dont know if its because I enjoy the fresh air or beacuse its the variety of environments that can be tailored to training but I always feel a great sense of achievement after training outside.

We have been overwhelmed by the response to our event Destination Dogs. Tickets are selling well and we have had great feedback from trainers and pet dog owners alike. If you would like to see what all the fuss is about you can download a PDF of all the things available below. There are a variety of tickets available.